Looking Back, Part 7

Unbelievably, this Retrospective post is following the previous one by only fourteen months! I may finish this insane project someday after all!!

Top 100 So Far

For a long time it seemed like I would never get to the end of The List. And now here I am and there are less than a third of the books remaining, and finally, finally I feel like the end of the project is in sight.

I think it helps that this was a really solid set of ten books. I gave out more 3/3 ratings than I ever have before! Maybe this list order is somehow relevant after all. With so many positive ratings, I've now tipped back over into a "majority positive" position, i.e. there are more 3/3 ratings than any of the others. Unfortunately the lower ratings combined still exceed the number of 3/3s...

Once again, these ten books were all written by men. They were concentrated in the first half of the 20th century, with only one published after 1950 (the average publication year is 1930). Fortunately, there weren't any trilogies or twenty book long series in this set.

And as usual, here is a hideous table summing everything up:

40. The Heart of the Matter by Graham Greene - 2/3
39. Go Tell It On the Mountain by James Baldwin - 1/3
38. Howards End by E.M. Forster - 3/3
37. The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder - 3/3
36. All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren - 3/3
35. As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner - 3/3
34. A Handful of Dust by Evelyn Waugh - 3/3
33. Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser - 3/3
32. The Golden Bowl by Henry James - 1/3
31. Animal Farm by George Orwell - 3/3

Random/Romnovs So Far

R61. Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese
R62. Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton
R63. Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
R64. Green Grass, Running Water by Thomas King
R65. Wise Blood by Flannery O'Connor
R66. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
R67. If on a winter's night a traveller by Italo Calvino
R68. Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock
R69. The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
R70. The Sheik by E. M. Hull

And that's all for now. See you when I've finished reading another twenty books, and also many times between now and then.

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