Current Distractions, June 2015 Edition

I am on holidays! It's great! For the first time ever (or I guess the first time since I finished school, and of course excepting Christmas holidays) I'm staycationing, and it's pretty great so far. I'm trying to get as much done around my poor neglected house this week as I possibly can. We'll see how it goes.

Overall June has treated me fairly well. It's flown by, with things going on just about every weekend and nice weather as long as you're not trying to grow anything. I'm not home often enough to keep a close eye on my lawn, so my grass isn't doing well at all.

I don't have a ton to report with regard to distractions. I'm putting off reading the next book on The List, which is The Moviegoer, because the only other Walker Percy book that I've tried to read was one that I gave up on because it wasn't particularly interesting.

So yeah, this is a short post because even though I'm on vacation and I actually have time to write something for once, I'm hoping to waste as little time as possible on my computer this week.

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